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How Long Do Hot Water Systems Last? (And Tips On How To Prolong Hot Water System Lifespan!)

As you soak in a soothing bath or steam up your shower after a long day, have you ever found yourself wondering: How long do hot water systems last? Sure, you've had to replace one in the past, and the warranties issued by the manufacturer are always a good guide, but it's never been a more important time to watch your spending ... and hot water systems aren't exactly cheap as chips.

So before investing in a new hot water system installation, let's dig a little deeper and explore the expected longevity of this sort of technology - and also pose another question: Is there anything to do to help your unit last a little longer?

Like anything made by us fallible humans, nothing lasts forever. But let's take a look at the 5 factors that will give you a guide about your hot water system's expected lifespan.

1. Quality

When you call trustworthy local Gold Coast plumbers like In Deep Plumbing, you can rest assured we'll only recommend, supply and install brands offering true quality. If you skip the expert advice and go for something a little cheaper, be aware that skimping on quality can mean skimping on a long life.

Rinnai, Rheem,and Dux are all examples of quality hot water brands for the Gold Coast.

2. Materials

One of the biggest culprits behind a bung hot water unit is corrosion. And one of the easiest ways to sell cheaper hot water systems is to use cheaper materials. However, that doesn't mean glass or enamel-lined systems won't last up to a decade or more, but premium stainless steel is so obviously a promise of a corrosion-resistant long life that it doesn't even need a hot water system anode to be on board.

3. Type

Don't forget, "How long do electric hot water systems last" is a different thing to ask than "how long do gas hot water systems last". Remember that gas or electric hot water systems have a different lifespan. It's a similar story when comparing the durability of continuous flow, solar and heat pump technology. But as a quick guide, you'll probably find that an electric system lasts a little longer than gas. While an instantaneous system could keep churning for a very long time due to the simplicity of the unit and the fact that it doesn't need to constantly store corrosion-causing water. So the type of hot water system is a factor too.

4. Usage

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that a hygiene-loving family of 10 will run through a new hot water system quicker than a busy couple who love to spend every spare minute on holiday. However, if you pick your particular hot water solution wisely, meaning the intended usage matches the technology, your unit is designed to do exactly what it's designed to do with strong dependability.

5. Water quality

Finally, bear in mind that just about no water is pure H20 - and that definitely applies to mains tap water which is notorious for higher levels of calcium, magnesium and other contaminants. When heated, 'harder' water like this can carbonate, and that spells trouble for your hot water system over time. The lesson is that regular professional maintenance really helps.

What can you do to extend your system's life?

If all you want is a number, then here it is: Don't be surprised if your hot water system goes bang once it's 7-15 years old. Manufacturers will always line up their durability expectations with the length of the warranties they offer, so never dismiss a longer warranty as mere marketing spin - because they are committing legally to that number!

If you want to add some years to your hot water system, here are some things you can do:

Maintenance: Check your manufacturer's maintenance schedule, and ask an experienced plumber for maintenance tips and how often they recommend a professional check.

Pressure valve: A common terminal fault is due to a pressure valve fault, because if the pressure gets out of control, it's more prone to bursting. So give it a regular check.

Temperature: How often do you check your hot water's temperature? If it is allowed to get too high, that will increase the pressure - and the likelihood of a problem.

Anode: The sacrificial anode rod is what helps to protect non-stainless steel systems from water corrosion, and so once it erodes completely, it can't do its vital job.

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Flush: Hot water system experts recommend a tank flush every year, minimising the mineral deposits and impurities that lead to corrosion and leaks.

Trust the Gold Coast's hot water professionals

Do you suspect your hot water system is getting close to retirement? By getting the Gold Coast's best local hot water experts on the case, you stand to save a lot more money in the long term by giving your unit a happy and comfortable life. So get in touch with In Deep Plumbing today, and breathe a sigh of relief the next time you're steaming up a storm in the shower.