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What Size Hot Water System Do I Need? The 4 Factors To Determine

A dripping tap is irritating, and a clogged laundry sink is a real pain in the backside. But when your shower goes stone cold, the daily harmony at your place grinds to an absolute halt. Perhaps, however, your existing hot water system is still working - it's just that your teenagers are running it dry every day. Or perhaps it's the other way around - the kids have finally moved out, and you no longer need that giant unit. In all of these cases, the question you need to be answered is simple: "What size hot water system do I need?"

At In Deep Plumbing, we're happy to oblige - because we've repaired, replaced, serviced, maintained and installed hot water systems across the Gold Coast for well over 10 years! What size hot water system you need is, therefore, something the experienced experts can really help you with. So here goes!

What hot water system size do I need?

First up, let's get one thing straight from the start: There are a LOT of different hot water system sizes. From ones that fit in a cupboard and look more like a bread maker than a hot water unit, to massive units that can give each member of an entire football team a long, hot shower, a 'one size fits all' approach simply will not suffice. To keep your power bills and harmonious running of your home in perfect balance, you need to know the wisest answer to what size hot water system is perfect just for you.

We've boiled it all down to 4 simple factors:

1. Family size

It may sound obvious, but a family of 10 uses more hot water than a bachelor with a busy job. But you also need to bear in mind that you may be planning to start a family - because the system you get will last ten years or more and you can't afford to keep updating it.

2. Home size

Or, a more specific way to put it is 'Bathroom count'. Just as families differ, so do people's homes - a tiny apartment versus a two-storey house with multiple hot taps, showers, baths and appliances. If you're planning to have more than one tap on at a time, you'll need to do your homework as to what system will cope with the simultaneous demand.

3. Water usage

This one is about your lifestyle. Because even if your small family is water waste-conscious and are into some water bill-reducing hacks, don't forget that most of you might be wanting a bath or shower in the evening - after long and sweaty days. So it's not just about total quantity, it's about a hot water system that can cope with how much as well as when you're using the bulk of your hot water. That's because a family size with the same number can get away with a smaller unit if that water usage is spread more evenly across the day.

4. Off-peak or on-peak?

Especially for electric systems, when your system will be cranked to the max to heat that big tank of water is a major factor. For instance, a smaller tank will be heated quite cheaply with an overnight 'off-peak' tariff - but if it runs dry in the evening, you will be hitting that boost button to heat another tank-load - at a much higher cost.

Related Reading: How Long Do Hot Water Systems Last?

Hot water system sizing: A numbers-game

All of that advice is all good and well, but at the end of the day it's really just a numbers game. So what does the data say about hot water system size?

Off-peak electric storage:

  • 250L - suitable for 1-3 people
  • 315L - suitable for 3-5 people
  • 400L - suitable for 5-8 people*

Peak electric storage:

  • 25L - suitable for 1 person
  • 50L - suitable for 1-2 people
  • 80L - suitable for 2-3 people
  • 125L - suitable for 3-5 people*

Reference: https://www.ergon.com.au/retail/residential/tariffs-and-prices/economy-tariffs/hot-water-tank-sizes

Instantaneous/tankless gas:

  • 9L - suitable for homes with 1 outlet
  • 18L - suitable for homes with 2 outlets
  • 27L - suitable for homes with 2-3 outlets
  • 36L - suitable for homes with 3+ outlets**

Reference: https://www.elgas.com.au/blog/494-what-size-hot-water-system-do-i-need

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In Deep Plumbing offers the best hot water advice

Do you still need help? Making a wise choice for your next hot water system is no minor issue, because they - and energy costs - are not exactly cheap as chips, and you want to get every cent of value out of that long warranty. And don't forget: running out of hot water every day grinds every household to a miserable halt.

In Deep Plumbing are the best choice for quality Gold Coast plumbing services including all of your hot water system needs. So give our team of true hot water experts a call today.